A wise leader I once worked for taught me an important leadership lesson.
A man who was tasked with the job of building a deck was initially excited, motivated, and ready to work. As he began to pour his best efforts into the job he noticed that a small group of flies began to buzz around his head. Annoyed and a little distracted the man kept waving his arms in hopes to get rid of them. The flies left briefly but as we know returned shortly and in greater numbers. After doing this for a couple of hours the man noticed that instead of being excited, motivated, and ready to build his deck he was angry, frustrated and completely distracted. Instead of focusing on quality and workmanship he focused on keeping the flies at bay. When he finished the deck, he noticed that the finished product did not match the deck he envisioned. Instead of looking at his deck with pride he now sees the deck as a reminded of a bad experience and poor workmanship.
Unknown to the man and only 5 ft away was a fresh steaming pile of horse dung. While the man focused on the flies and how annoying they were he never found out why the flies kept coming. If he would have only spent a couple minutes and understood why there were so many flies, he would have reduced his stress and frustration and he would have the potential to produce a better quality deck. Like most of us he focused on time wasting activities that robbed him of quality, growth, and fulfillment.
How many of us as leaders focus on the small annoying distractions instead of focusing on the real issue? When we do this, we are doing what we think is right but ultimately the problem still exists. Just like this man we become stressed, frustrated,and unhappy. As a result, our final product, whatever it is, is not our best. If only you had taken a small amount of time and found the root issue and dealt with it accordingly.
This is why I love Hubsuite, we help separate the flies from the poop. Use our services to stay engaged, focused,and excited about your business. Contact us for more information.
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