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Pace Blake and Cox shooting for $2 million in 2021

Shooting for $2 million in 2021

When you talk to Nhance owners once group always comes up in the conversation, PBC (Pace Blake and Cox). PBC has always been one of Nhances top performing franchise owners working in both Spokane WA and Tacoma WA. Success hasn't always come as easy as outsides might think, PBC has always took pride in always improving their performance both technically and operationally. PBC has been mostly know for their technical abilities, they're always being approached by other franchisees wondering how they can do jobs so fast. And like the good people they are they happily shared all their experience and know how. Franchisees in the Nhance network have been strengthened by their generosity. They've even posted video of their work on YouTube for all to see.

Recently, one of the changes we've seen here at Hubsuite is their changes they've made operationally. Operations is never a fun topic for most small business owners but PBC knew that further growth would require and equally strong back end to their business. They've evaluated each others strengths and given each owner their specific role with responsibilities that they are accountable for. Now, when tasks come up each person understands who is responsible for it and act accordingly. Speed and proficiency in accomplishing that task has allowed them to have more time to growing, training and building their brand.

This year their goal is to hit $2 million in revenue, so far it looks like they'll make it. Great success comes when the company is hitting on all cylinders just like PBC. Here at Hubsuite we want to recognize PBC for all of the great work they do not only to grow their business but to be a great example and teacher of best practices. We look forward to even better years in the future. Thanks for all you do!

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Working in agency
Working in agency