Let's get back to work!!! Below we've listed a number of steps you can take to be ready to start taking on work again. Remember your competitors will getting their businesses running just like you, so executing these steps is vital to taking back 2020. Think about this as a huge "reset button” for your industry; you have an opportunity to come out of this pandemic in a better place than you were when this started. All of us at Hubsuite are available to help you with any of your questions or obstacles, please reach out to us as often as you need to.
Phase 1
When: Right now
What: Prepare and Organize Your Business for a Grand Re-Opening
Questions to ask yourself: 1. Do I have products and tools ready to start doing business? 2. Do I need to replace employees I lost? 3. What is the state of my marketing and do I need to change it?
Resolve any questions you have around readiness. You need to be ready to act.
- Turn Digital Marketing "on" within 2 weeks of your state's start of restriction reduction.
- Make a list of all booked jobs that were canceled because of COVID-19 and let them know that you're now "open for business".
- Contact all estimates done since Mar 1st and call them.
- Run an "Open for Business" special on PPC and landing page. Contact Hubsuite for assistance.
- Evaluate your need for employees. It takes up to 4 weeks to hire employees, it's better to start early than later.
- Order product and get the equipment ready for work.
Phase 2
When: 2 Weeks After Phase 1
What: Focus on Operations and Logistics of your Business.
Questions to ask yourself: 1. Do I employ the right employees? 2. Do I need to hold a refresher or training class prior to doing jobs? 3. Do I have my CRM (Ontrack. Jobber) up to date and ready for new work? 4. Is my bookkeeping up to date? Do I need to take a "Sales" refresher course?
Resolve any questions you have around operations and logistics. Resolving these questions will help you stay organized and ready.
- All marketing should be turned on and if possible a bump in ad budget will help jump-start your leads.
- Call all jobs done in 2020 and ask for referrals.
- Visit all of your Home Service Home Depots and remind them that you’re now open for business.
- Hire new employees as needed.
- Measure the productivity of all your employees to ensure that you have the capacity to do enough work.
- Get your CRM (Ontrack, Jobber) and QuickBooks up to date.
Phase 3
When: Within 30 - 60 days of re-opening business
What: Optimize Your Business for Growth
Questions to ask yourself: 1. What is my booking rate, close rate, and conversion rate? 2. Am I scheduling correctly? 3. Do I share our performance metrics with the team and set goals to get better? 4. What are my current Marketing ROI, Sales conversion, and employee production?
Resolve any questions around productivity and performance within the first 30 to 60 days. Your goal should be to be better than pre-COVID-19.
- If you don't have social media marketing you need to start it. COVID 19 forced people to use social media more, not having a presence there will hurt your business.
- Continue to monitor employee performance and make training or personal changes as needed.
- Continue to use your CRM (OnTrack, Jobber) and Quickbooks, data is vital during this time.
- Continue to follow up with past estimates and booked jobs affected by COVID 19.
- Work closely with Hubsuite to help interpret data and make course corrections.
COVID 19 was a hiccup for 2020 and it will have for sure caused some long term changes. However, people still want kitchens, floors, and bathrooms updated. This means that for the rest of the year you need to be able to take on enough work to still hit your original 2020 goal. Your focus should be on marketing effectiveness and employee performance. If you follow and track those 2 things and make the adjustments necessary you can salvage the rest of the year.
Hubsuite is ready anytime to help you with any and all questions and concerns you might have. We know your business and we can help you see through the next couple of months. We have services for every situation you may find yourself in, let us help you. Remember, your competitors will be wanting to get started as soon as possible too. You need to get out of the gates better and quicker than they do. Your customers will see the difference and see you as a stronger partner to work with.
Good Luck!
Would you love to set up a time to chat? Let us know if you're interested.