Tips to retain employees during the workplace shift
The job market as we know it is changing. With many office workers working remotely this past year, change is inevitable. The pandemic has accelerated this change within the workplace and has transformed many companies. Employees are re-imagining their careers. Companies that don’t adapt will have high turnover rates.

The job market as we know it is changing. With many office workers working remotely this past year, change is inevitable. The pandemic has accelerated this change within the workplace and has transformed many companies. Employees are re-imagining their careers. Companies that don’t adapt will have high turnover rates.
Here are some tips to help you keep and retain great employees.
Focus on Mental Health
A work-life balance is very important. If your employees are working remote it is very important that you make sure your employees know when the working day is over. Many employees during the pandemic have bled their working day into their evening. It is important that you let them know that you respect their time and want them to live a fulfilled life. Talk to your employees and let them know you are available to talk if they need you. This past year many adults have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder. Remote working has its perks, but many adults find the isolation unnerving.
Productivity vs Time
It is important to re-defining productivity based on output rather than hours worked. Many companies have had greater productivity with their workforce at home. Managers that were against remote work have changed their tune. Other companies will go into a hybrid approach. With employees having the option to work home many days of the week.
Career Development
Employees are looking for companies that are interested in their employees’ long-term careers. When you offer opportunities for your employees to advance it will go a long way in driving employee job satisfaction and loyalty. Have a clear path for their advancement and watch them strive to hit benchmarks.
A Final Word
Millions of employees throughout the United States are rethinking their careers and how they want to live their lives when the pandemic is over. Some want better benefits, more money, shorter commutes and more flexibility. Others want a job that they love, and some even want a safer workplace. Some turnover in a company is expected, but if your company is struggling to retain your best talent you should rethink your policies. If you are looking to hire and retain your workforce Hubsuite has a solution for you!
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